Drum Tilters

Price on Application


The Fork Mounted Drum Tilter allows the safe discharge from steel and plastic drums with minimal ease within any confined space, with the option of crank handle or looped chain for low or elevated level controlled discharge.

Standard Features
• Robust gearbox allowing drum to be locked and held at any angle
• Three point mechanical restraints to prevent drum slippage
• Twin 50mm wide webbing strap with ratchet restraint
• Maximum fork section 125 x 50mm at 801mm centres
• Zinc plated heel pins for safe attachment to truck
• Painted bright orange for safety

Optional Features
• Plastic drum adaptor


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Mounting Type Capacity Type of Control C of G Weight Model
Fork 360kg Crank Handle 560mm 70kg 9404w
Fork 360kg Looped Chain 560mm 95kg 9405w
Optional Extra
Description Type
Adaptor Bracket for plastic drums 9406w