Fork Extensions for 50mm deep forks

Price on Application


Fork extensions are made from superior strength welded steel for safety and durability. This construction gives a long lifespan, even when the extensions are used regularly.

Fork extensions are made from superior strength welded steel for safety and durability. This construction gives a long lifespan, even when the extensions are used regularly.

Forklift fork extensions are designed to be used when long objects or large pallets need to be lifted or moved with a forklift truck.

As a safety precaution, extensions must NOT exceed the length of forks on which they are to be installed by more than 50%.

All of our fork lift fork extensions are supplied in pairs. Each pair includes a steel retaining strap to prevent slippage during use.

They are provided with a powder coated orange finish.

Fork extensions supplied will have approximately 1/2″ (12mm) of additional internal clearance to allow for tolerances with the forks.


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Extension length To suit min fork length To suit fork width Weight Type
1524mm 1016mm 100mm 44kg 2726w
1524mm 1016mm 125mm 49kg 2727w
1830mm 1220mm 125mm 59kg 2728w
1830mm 1220mm 150mm 64kg 2729w