High Lift Jibs

Price on Application



• When dedicated lifts are needed on a regular basis the carriage mountable High Lifting Jib delivers the perfect substitute to an overhead crane or static floor mounted Jib Arm.

• With the added benefit of a reduced lost load centre and, centre of gravity over and above the Fork Mounted version.

• The High Lift Jib offers the alternative of where a load may need to be lifted from a higher point.

Standard Features:
• Multi hook positioning from 1000-1750mm load centres
• Supplied complete with Swivel hook and bow shackle
• Quick release bottom hangers supplied as standard
• Lifting eye at centre of gravity for ease of movement and mounting on to forklift
• Painted bright orange for safety

Please note: all prices exclude delivery charges.  Please contact us for transport costs.


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Capacity at Centres Weight C of G LLC Type
500kg 1000kg 1250kg 1500kg 1750kg
2 1000mm 800mm 700mm 500mm 405mm TBA TBA 30mm 9607w
2 2000mm 1500mm 1350mm 800mm 420mm 253kg 410mm 30mm 9608w
3 3000mm 2400mm 1750mm 900mm 430mm 253kg 410mm 40mm 9609w
3 4000mm 3000mm 2000mm 1000mm 470mm 253kg 410mm 40mm 9610w
4 5000mm 3500mm 2700mm 1850mm 1400mm 276kg 430mm 50mm 9611w
4 6000mm 4650mm 3800mm 2450mm 1650mm 310kg 430mm 50mm 9612w
4 7000mm 5375mm 4750mm 4125mm 3500mm 310kg 430mm 50mm 9613w